Monday, January 19, 2009

I can see Russia from my house!

This is crazy. The elections are over and still I'm hearing this silliness about how stupid Sarah Palin is based mostly on the "I can see Russia from my house" comment.
Comment? Wait... what comment? Did Sarah Palin comment on some interview that she can see Russia from her house? Hmmm... let's have a look-see, shall we?

Oh? That was Tina Fey? Well, she must have gotten that from some where. Ah, yes! Here it is. This is where Palin says she can see Russia from her house.

Huh? Let's watch that again. .... Yea, I thought she said "they're our nextdoor neighbors, and You can actually see Russia from land [in Alaska]."

Does it sound silly? Yes.
Does it mean she's got vast foreign policy experience? Not more nor less than Barak Obama.
Is it a lie? No.

The truth is, Russia can be seen from land that is part of the Alaska territory and vice versa. I've heard some try to convince others that Alaska and Russia are 55+ miles apart. Yes, the mainlands of those territories are 55+ miles apart from their closet points, but you can see Russia from Alaska with the naked eye. Check out the Diomede Islands. Photobucket One (Little Diomede) is a part of Alaska, the other (Big Diomede) is part of Russia.
Get over it. people! One island is Alaska, the other is Russia. She did't lie about it, and she certainly didn't say she could see Russia from her house.

Now what floors me here is that most people who didn't see the interview Palin had with Charlie Gibson more than likely saw the Saturday Night Live skit with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, and they just assumed that Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her back porch, window, toilet or whatever, without even wondering, "Did Palin actually say that?" and doing a little research.

What I want to know now is since they believed SNL when they said Palin said she could see Russia from her house, did they believe them also in their skit involving the housing crisis with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? This skit, even the editted one, pretty much points the fingers at the Democratic Congress for this problem and says President Bush tried to stop it. Well, lets review in case you haven't seen it.

(Yes.... Bush really did try to get reform signed into law. Maybe he's not as stupid as a lot of you would like to think... nor evil for that matter.)

If you don't believe SNL, let's here from a Democrat icon. (Note: to get the full effect of this video, watch the whole thing, or at the very least, go to time mark 2:31.)

Now, I'm not trying to jump from one-track to another by forgetting the whole purpose of writing this, which is to talk about Palin, and move over to the whole bailout mess. I could spend a whole other blog on that.

What I am trying to do is get people to understand that you can't rely on SNL to give you the news. And if you are, trying following it up with some research of your own if you're going to take it seriously.

Palin isn't the idiot a lot of you want to make her out to be, but by no means is she the most brilliant light on the chandelier either. That was evident in some of public speaking engagements and interviews. However, if you do a little research, she's turned out to be a very popular governor for Alaska and has done some great things there. All it takes is the will to research.

1 comment:

  1. 'Yes.... Bush really did try to get reform signed into law. Maybe he's not as stupid as a lot of you would like to think... nor evil for that matter.)'


    Bush said he WANTED a law and GOP members dutifully drafted one up, then when it was coming up for a vote, the White House lobbied AGAINST IT and it died. This made many Republicans angry and contributed to Bush's growing unpopularity.

    So no, he really was that bad, cost America a lot of lives and a lot of money. Now ranked as the 4th to 5th WORST president the US has ever had.
